Posts with tag: "collage"
April 11, 2013

I had to recount... it was really close.... 

(there were about 10 entires on the original SHOW OFF blog post that I had to count as the link was funky, not the voters fault) 

Thank you to all who voted.... I want you to know that I would love to take your photos.... every single one of you... and because I appreciate your votes, I am offering you ALL a discount.

If you book a full session and are photographed between April 15-Aug 31 2013, I will give you $30 off your session fee. YIPEEEE. (when contacting me, make sure you tell me about this, so I can give you the magic code to use ) 

I wanted to run this contest to inspire and encourage you to use your photos. Since you showed me yours, I have decided to SHOW OFF some of my walls. This is a big deal since we just moved into our rental 4 months ago. We have done a lot of work, and are not done yet, but here is a glimpse of how we used our photos. 

This is our hall way. Its dark and cave like. I like big photos. And monograms. See that big empty wall at the end with the awesome 50's doorbell, I have big plans for that. I can't wait to show you. 

This is the kids play room (seahwaks theme) and I let them choose the images. Confession: it does drive me nuts that they are all so crazy with no theme. But, the kids love it. These are all mounted photos, they are amazing... especially for renters. I put them up with velcro. 

Much more my style... this is in our living room. Again, mountd prints. Brings me joy every day. Get photos up on your walls. Its easy. I will help you. (I did take photos of us making this wall and how we decided where to hang everythiing. I will be doing a blog post about it... someday :) 

This is my favorite mounted print. ITs large and in charge. 24x36. Good stuff. A house tour with before and after photos of the rental is coming... scouts honor!!

Oh wait, you want to know who won the contest... that's right....

Client #2 won the contest, by 3 votes. You remember, the one with the wall clock, hall collage, and the GIANT canvas. A girl after my own heart. LARGE photos. (I will get you your $50 visa card)

and, drum roll please.....

Sarah Gibbs... you are the winner of the free spring session. You are the twelth comment down. Nice to meet you! Email me at to find out about your free session on April 28th. (if you can't use it, feel free to pass it along to someone) 

Thanks for voting and reading the blog. Lots more to come. You can sign up on the right side of this blog to have the new blog posts emailed to you. Or, like me on facebook and I will post them there as well. (you can like me at the top right of the blog posts). 

Over and out

p.s.- don't forget that you can have $30 off your full session. BONUS