Back in August we scored tickets to Hawaii on Allegiant for $98 each way. And I knew that after four months of living in the RV, we would need a break.
I didn't anticipate how much I would love having a bedroom door, washer and dryer, dishwasher, full size fridge, and a real bathroom. Sun, water, waves? They don't hold a candle.
We booked the beachfront condo online and hoped for the best.
We didn't anticiapte how gorgeous it would be.

Yep, thought you needed a real life shot (taken by my daughter) of me in my jammies with fluffy hair

I stressed about whether I wanted to bring my NICE camera and heavy lenses, or just the old point and shoot. I decided on to bring my old sorta nice DSLR with a cheap lens and our stand by waterproof point and shoot. All the photos in todays post were taken with a point and shoot. My DSLR is still packed up tight.

the kids have never played in the ocean, so we had a quick lesson. And then I stepped back and anticpated the waves

We headed out on the rocks for a walk tonight, I anticipated the light... and wished I had brought out my real camera. Not bad for a point and shoot, eh?

I am anticipating a good week.... stay tuned